Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thank you to the Team

So much has happened in the past few weeks it is difficult to know where to start. First and foremost, I would like to thank the team for coming. I have never been so honored and humbled.

I had much anticipation for their arrival. On the eve of their arrival, I could hardly sleep! We laughed together, worked together and played!! Wow.

It was priceless to watch as the Lord worked in each person's life, touching each one for eternity. Thank you for praying for them while they were here. We all felt it.

During their visit, I was reminded what it means to be sent. Africa has become so comfortable, I must never get lulled into believing that I am here doing my own work. I am here only because you have believed in me, in the dreams that the Lord has put in me. Through your prayers and support I am here, working for the Lord.

I wrote one blog entry about going into a new area deep in the bush of Mozambique. I described the experience in a way that brought you with me. Please know that I feel that you are with me. I am merely on the ground. Your role is equally as important in the work here.

1 comment:

Heather Jones said...

=D happy to be with you.