Friday, September 21, 2007

"She talks a lot."

Today we were in Nyero Nyero again. Adao is our volunteer in this area and we have a great time together.

He was translating what one of our patients was saying. After a while he just said "She talks a lot." I laughed and told him that I think people people translating for me might very well say the same thing.

As we walk through the bush, there are a few creeks that we pass over. Adao taught me that we must "knock" before we cross a bridge. You see, people might be bathing and they need warning that someone is coming. We holler "Hiya," then cross when we get the ok. Very fun to learn the culture.

Adao is doing a great job "fighting" to learn English. The other day he asked me what "hella" means. For instance, what the "hella" you doing. We all laughed. I told him what it means, adding that he might not want to say this.

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