Friday, September 21, 2007

A unique experience

George said that he would like for me to be in Mozambique to do home based care for at least 3 months... and I am SO glad that he did. He said that in the first month I would observe new things, the second month I could begin to recognize trends and the third month I would begin to really understand what it is like in the trenches of HBC.

Working under Carlos Guia has been an amazing experience. If someone is looking for the definition for integrity, they can certainly look to his life. Because he has run Rubatano with such integrity from day one, he is highly favored among the community and with the officials. From Carlos, I have learned how the program operates.

Jackie Smith is a nurse from South Africa and has become a dear friend. She has taught me to look for the "one" that might fall through the cracks of the program. An example of the "one" would be Augusto.

Together Carlos and Jackie have taught me valuable lessons that I could never have learned without the experience of walking daily with them. Some of these lessons I am still processing, some I would like to share with you.

It has been very hard to think about leaving Mozambique. Though I hope to return for a short or long period of time, the Lord has truly prepared my heart to go back to SA next month.

What I will miss the most about Mozy is the unique opportunity that I have here for hands on experience. I may never have such an experience again. My hope now is that the Lord will use what He has taught me here to help train and support other volunteers.

1 comment:

Heather Jones said...

ohhhhhh I laughed at this one.... what the hella you doing? lol!! ohh that is great! =D