Sunday, September 16, 2007

Yes, Lord! I will follow you anywhere! except...

Even though I still have a few weeks in Mozambique, my time here is drawing to a close. This makes me very sad. I will miss little Augusto and his sister Dorcas and all of the new friends that I have made here very much.

I remember how I felt when I was in South Africa and I was thinking of coming here. There were many unanswered questions that made me very nervous and even scared at times. I prayed and asked the Lord to help me to rest in Him, trusting Him with every detail. The result... I love it so much I do not want to leave!

Carlos was joking with the Hands staff in South Africa that he is building an office for me here, so I have to return next year!

This has made me think back on all of times the Lord has asked me to do something and I have hesitated because of fear of the unknown. I am thankful that the Lord has helped me obey dispute the fear. Consistently, it is when I am inclined to say no to the Lord that He uses that very situation to bring the greatest blessing.

So my question to you is, what are you saying "no" to the Lord about? Are you saying "no" because something about it is scary or just does not make since?

I challenge you to trust the Lord fully. I think that it is possible to be confident you are hearing from the Lord, and still say no. Do you remember that passage that talks about- if you father on earth gives good gifts, how much more the Father in heaven. Are you trusting what is in the hand of the Father.

Do not get me wrong, please pray and consider if what you are hearing is from the Lord. If you have confidence that you are hearing from Him and you are still saying "no," why? Why would you say no to the Lord when He is asking you to participate in building His kingdom... in your own heart, in someone near to your or in the world.

I know that I am getting very preachy. Sorry. I just do not want you to miss out on what the Lord has for you!


paula said...

Jean Aimee,
I am so proud how the lord is working in your life. You look wonderful, and I think of you often. I will pray for you daily. I miss you

Love Paula

Urban Chick said...

Jean Aimee,

Thank you for that word. It was something that I needed to hear.
