Saturday, September 22, 2007


I will never again take water for granted!

The last 24 hours we have had running water. Before that, it has been between 2-3 weeks since we have had water for more than 15 minutes a day. We used the take beside our house, then started to fetch water down the road, about 1km away. I am so glad that we have a car!

Maforga is rich in resources. In the past, water has been one of these resources. Their well has never before been dry.

The money was raise in the UK for a new bore hole to be dug at the farm. $5000 for each attempt. MUCH prayer and consideration went into where to dig. The leadership team were all in agreement when the decision was made.

The drilling team began to dig. 50 meters later, when all they had found was dust. In frustration, Roy, the director of Maforga, as them to leave. The prayer team did not loose heart. They still believed there was water there. In the morning there was 17 meters of water in the new bore hole! Indeed, they had found water! Water from rock. Roy joked that they read somewhere that this had happened to someone else as well. The Lord is good

Can you image caring for 7 infants, 7 toddlers and 16 young girls with little to no water? This has been a stressful time for the leadership team especially. Please pray that all continues to go well with this new water source.

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