Saturday, September 22, 2007

Relief vs Development

One of the most valuable lessons that I have learned during my time at Maforga is the value of and the role of relief verses development.

Relieve is meeting an immediate need. One working in relief might bring in critical supplies from the outside and might only stay for a short time, until the need is resolved. When the worker leaves, the help is gone as well.

Development involves equipping. Local resources are used and people are trained from the community to meet the long term need.

For years I have been very passionate about the value of development, to the point that in my heart I had become a bit critical about the value of relief work. As I look back, I see that the Lord used this attitude to help keep me focused as I chose my path. Now that I am in the trenches I can see without question that each are of equal importance. You cannot have one without the other.

We must do something now about the immediate need while we are planning for the future and equipping the local community to continue the work. Saying that opens the door for a great deal of conversation... that I would love to have with you!

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