Monday, October 1, 2007


I have so much to tell you on my blog, it is hard to know where to start! Still wish I could post more pics. Sorry about that.

Here is a bit more about Augusto. When we found him, he was not being fed by his family, though they were being given food for him. So, he was eating dirt. His little fragile body showed many signs of severe malnutrition: swollen cheeks and feet, large abdomen, straight orange hair. He was able to walk, which really surprised me.

After much talking and planning, he came to Maforga to live... to eat. We soon learned that he is HIV negative, though his mother died of AIDS. After 3 days on the farm, he was talking and playing with the other children. A rapid, marked improvement.

The first family member that we brought was a 13 year old girl, Rachel. She got scared here, so she suddenly wanted to go home after one week. When we went to talk to the family that day, his 6 year old sister, Dorcas was crying. The family said that she had been crying for Augusto everyday, so be brought her for a visit. We also brought his cousin, also Dorcas (we will call her Mana Dorca).

So, after one night on the farm, Rachel came to Dorcas early in the morning and told her "something" that scared her, so she left.

2 weeks after Mana Dorca arrived, she was found beating Augusto at the farm in front of staff and other children. She was asked to leave immediately.

Augusto has now been on the farm for 5 weeks. His weight started at 9.9, and has increased consistently half a kg each week. We are due to weigh him today, but last week he was at 12.2. Our goal was 12.5.

Baby Dorcas has been able to come for other 2-3 day visits. Very nice.

This brings me to yesterday. We were to meet his grandfather, who was to decide his "fate." This grandfather is responsible for the children, but lives about 30 km away in Chimoio. The family told us that they wanted to see Augusto.

Adao, Augusto and I went to visit the family. They told us that they were afraid that we were going to keep Augusto "forever." Also, the grandfather was afraid that Augusto was getting worse at the farm. Now we brought him for them to see how much better he is doing, they are very pleased.

Much grace, much favor. Much prayer went into this visit as it was possible that the family might say that Augusto may not ever come back to the farm, now that he is home again. Quite the opposite happened. They said that he may come to the farm for 2 more months and Dorcas may come with. They are fine with them not coming for visits to the family as they know that we are taking care of them.

As we were leaving, they said that when Adao would come see Augusto when he was sick, he would say "my papa is coming!" Since Adao was coming to be sure that he was safe and to take care of him. Very sweet.

Then, we asked Dorcas why she never smiles at home, but with us she giggles and carries on. She said that when Mana Dorcas cooks food, she does not give her any, she just eats alone or with the Vovo (grandmother).

Oh, the favor of the Lord is so sweet. We are so happy... and so are the children, that they are here. Please continue to pray for our Heavenly Father to order our steps that these children would be safe. Doesn't this bring more meaning to "Father to the fatherless?"

1 comment:

Pastor Mark Brand said...

Hi Jean-Aimee! I just put a link to you on my blog ( Here at Hillcrest Church, we love you, we believe in you, we are proud of you, and we are praying for you...! Blessings! Pastor Mark