Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Do they know that it is Christmas?

I arrived home last Tuesday. It has been one week and a day now. In that time I have rested, played and enjoyed wonderful time with family and friends.

I have not had much "culture shock" in the way that I have had in the past. Moving from Mozambique to South Africa was actually much more intense in the way. Rather I think that the culture shock that I have felt has been much more subtle. It was difficult for me to define until I heard the 1985 Live Aid song "Do they know it's Christmas?" As I listened, I realized that this song describes how I feel.

Sunday I was Christmas shopping with my mom. I was struck by the blank eyes, not connecting with others. I saw a young man directing slow moving traffic, looking at each person who passed. Not one returned the glance.

Beginning in South Africa I heard people remark that it does not "feel like" Christmas because it is not cold. It is not snowing.

What makes one "feel like Christmas?" Is it the cold weather, the feel good messages about "believing" in Christmas with no mention of our Lord? It is an interesting commentary to see and hear people answer this question with their words and their actions.

In South Africa I met 2 friends from Canada, Dana and Jordan. They had come to work in Masoyi in the spring of 07. While they were working in with the youth in the community, they heard several kids talk about how much fear they had associated with the Christmas season. My friends made a decision then to return in November to prepare for a camp for the child headed households over Christmas. This would bring the kids together in a safe and fun setting.

I am reminded of a story that George tells about a child that he met in the community. Her smile was SO big; he could see that he did not need to tell her that Jesus loves her. She knew. She KNEW just how much she was loved as she jumped into the arms of a Masoyi volunteer who fought to find a neighbor to take her in when her mom died. She had so much pride to show George her house.

What does Christmas "feel like?" Who in your life KNOWS that they are loved by the Father more today because of your touch? Because of the Father's touch through you?

1 comment:

Heather Jones said...

I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. It's thought provoking.
=D thanks