Saturday, October 6, 2007

YWAM team

Last week we received a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) team from Swaziland. They are actually from about 5 different countries: US, Swaziland, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Sweeden. Wow, quite amaizing. I think that if I were to ever do a DTS (discipleship training school) I would do it with this school. We are very impressed with how flexable and prepared they are. It is hard to believe that the youngest members are 19!

They arrived on a rainy night at about 10:30pm. The bus dropped them off on the road, then Carlos and I picked them up and took them to the farm. We first went to the main house so that they could have some lamb stew that was prepared for them, then we took them to the containers where they would be staying.

Their version of the story is quite funny. Elvis from Nigeria said that he expected to go to Chimoio, the nearest city. When the bus stopped in the rain on the side of the road, there were no lights and all he could see was trees. Can you imagine! He thought that he was going to be staying in the bush! As you drive onto the farm, the first 1-2km (2 roads to the farm) is a forrest. He was relieved to see the that he was not going to be living in a hut for the next month!

Having the team here has made me very excited for my team to come to SA! Wow! I cannot wait! See you soon!!

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