Monday, October 1, 2007

Calling all Techies!

I have a question for you. You might have seen George's video. There is also another video that needs to be on my site. Do you have any better ideas on how to accomplish this? Also, I have seen blogs that have text and information that fills the whole computer screen, even on blogger. I only find templates that put text in the center of the screen, leaving the sides blank. It would be great to have George's video and our video on the sides, so they do not scroll down into never never land.

Do you know how to do this. If so, please email me and we can chat.

Thank you!!

1 comment:

Heather Jones said...

I would need to get in and play around... I will build a fake site and see what can happen. If it's set up like myspace, you can often post a video as your picture... I will get back with you soon