Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Village

On Friday afternoons 4 new believers in come to our home to study the bible. I am so privledged to be a part of their life! Their study starPed early this year in Genesis. They have now worked their way through to the New Testament. We have taken a few weeks to review the Old Testament as we are transitioning between Sarah and Ginna to Brooke and myself. I have been so encouraged to hear how much that they have learned! They tell me that when the study started they did not even know the reason we celebrate Christmas. Now they are telling us all about the major events of the Old Testament and how they point to Jesus.

Last week our memory verse was John 3:16. When we asked for prayer request, one of the young men simply asked for the Lord to help him to memorize his verse this week.

Please pray for Antonio, Antonio, Messada and Grassa. They are seeking the Lord with their whole heart! Praise the Lord!

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