Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Heart Breaking Makes a Sound

Suffering is a part of daily life in Gondola and the surrounding villages. Statistics are listed in government report of people dying every day, numbers of children left orphans. The "numbers" go on and on. One could become numb to the fact that each of these "numbers" represent a life that has been wounded deeply.

A sweet friend who loves Jesus, Perina Fombe, came to lunch at our house on Sunday. She was telling us that her family member was beaten by her husband to the point that it was thought that she was not going to survive. After several days in the hospital, Perina family member was discharged into her family's care.

When Perina was telling us this story, she said that when her family member was safely discharge, she fasted for 2 days to thank God. She did not think that she personally was going to survive after hearing about yet another tragedy in her family's life.

She was praising God for helping her to survive the grief and the suffering. God be her strength! Be her her Joy! Please pray for Perina.

Paula is our translator and friend. Perina is Paula's auntie. We were very happy to have Paula and Perina over one Sunday afternoon to enjoy coke floats. How wonderful it was to laugh together!

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