Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Soft Landing in South Africa

The Lord's made it clear to me that He had gone before me, even before I left the airport in Dallas. British Airways informed me that they were overbooked so they wanted to change my itinerary. This meant that I would not have to collect my luggage and change airports in London. Excellent news!

After 20 hours in the air and 12 hours in the London airport, I arrived at the Johannesburg International Airport with a song in my heart: "This is the noise we make with our voices, with our hands. We have come to celebrate all across this land!" To say that I was excited is a great understatement! It was all I could do to contain myself from bursting out into full song! It is true that "we" have come to celebrate... I have not come alone, but all those who have prayed and have given of themselves in so many unique ways are right here with me.

All of my luggage arrived in (mostly) one piece which is a huge praise and a great relief!

During the 4 hour wait for my transportation to Nelsprit I worked diligently to purchase a phone card and to establish phone service in South Africa. My head was spinning, trying to sort out of all of the various options while fighting off jet lag. Everything worked perfectly. I was able to use my phone from home, saving the expense of purchasing a new phone and purchased a phone card for international calls.

The next leg of the journey was courtesy of the City Bug transport service. They were to take me 4 hours due east from Johannesburg to Nelsprit. Precious sat next to me. there is no telling what her first impression of me was. I was excited, exhausted... all at the same time! Precious told me that not only was she familiar with Masoyi, she lived there for 2 years and was involved with the Home Based Care. Her father still lives there. It was very interesting to hear her perspective.

Precious also told me that she has a family member who has AIDS, but does not have the resources to be on medication. This is the story of thousands, hundreds of thousands. We had a fascinating conversation. I was so glad that Precious was the first person that I met.

Liza-Marie, a staff member from Hands @ Work met me at the station in Nelsprit. We LOADED her car with my 194 pounds of luggage and were off! 45 minutes later we arrived at the Africa School of Missions, just outside of White River. Over the last several months she paved the way for my arrival. It was wonderful to finally meet her.

Once I arrived at ASM (where the Hands @ Work International headquarters is located) I knew it was right. It was the right time and I was definitely in the right place for the Lord to begin a new, long awaited season of my life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jean Aimee,

Got your email today. My tears flow and my heart bursts with love for you and your commitment to our Lord. May your heart be touched with what touches His heart. May you be His hands of compassion where there was none. May signs and wonders that He does astound you as you minister to the "least of these". Thank you for the blog - 1st one I have ever been on. It will keep us near. You are in my heart and in my prayers.
You are courageous to be driving already. Go, girl, go.
Love Ya,
Mary Simmons